My Reality Project Blog

This blog is a place to share my journey of empowerment with its challenges, frustrations, and joys. This is my ongoing project: ME realizing my divinity…from the non-physical to the physical and back again…

What is your character?

When I was four years old I performed in my first dance recital as a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz. As I entered the stage dressed in my orange and black tutu and tap shoes, I was immediately distracted by the blaring white stage lights and the subsequent disorientation of not being able to locate my parents in the audience. I was so overwhelmed by the experience that when the music started I completely forgot my well-choreographed dance and stood there frozen until I turned to look at the other munchkins, consciously bringing my focus back to the routine. I had temporarily forgotten my character and it was disorienting.

How many of us do this with our lives? We forget that we have a very important role to fulfill in this world play and we end up getting distracted by the lights, set, props, audience, and the endless noise of the details of our lives, thinking that these are the things that matter.

But those are just the set and setting for our consciousness, which is infinite and formless, to interact with this world of finite matter.  Our role is to play the character we were born into to the best of our ability. It is universal Consciousness that yearns to learn, through our perceptions, about the wonders and beauty of life here on earth. We forget that we are finite beings acting in an infinite play.

Your unique character is a gift to humanity! And the sole purpose of your character is to learn to be LOVE for the short time you walk this planet.

Heather Graeme