To BE or to DO: that is the question
Just Be!
I was listening to a podcast featuring one of my favorite quantum physicists and consciousness explorers, Dr. Amrit Goswami, and he said something that has stuck with me. He said he learned it was important in life to do, be, do, be, do. That the mind needs time to relax between periods of concentration or it is not able to process new information. That constantly distracting yourself with the actions of life leaves little opportunity for the mind to be still and to observe.
Since the dawn of the industrial age we have bought into the idea that personal success depends on what we DO. Without realizing it, we have grown accustomed to running from one activity to another without stopping to literally smell the roses, feel the sand between our toes, or even notice how blue the sky is. Many people feel unproductive or even bored when faced with time on their hands and nothing to do. We feel lost without action. But, what if simply BEING is as important as DOING?
Ideas and inspiration are born from the stillness of your mind. It is difficult to create and imagine when you are distracted. When we focus on the present moment, observe our surroundings, and silence the mind chatter, we create a space, a pause that encourages reflection.
Find something beautiful and study it. Simply BE with it. Clear your heads of thoughts of things to DO and simply BE with the magic that surrounds you. Balance your life between doing and being and you will find inspiration and peace in the stillness. This helps you to tune into your heart and get out of your head.
So in Amrit’s words: Go out and do, be, do, be, do!