My Reality Project Blog

This blog is a place to share my journey of empowerment with its challenges, frustrations, and joys. This is my ongoing project: ME realizing my divinity…from the non-physical to the physical and back again…

My Declaration for a New Humanity

Mosaic of diversity map


I compiled a list of six things that I can start doing immediately to help humanity. I encourage you to make your own list as you think about the new year and the kind of changes you would like to see in yourself and in your world.  

1)    Give what you can and take only what you need.

The Swedish have a word, lagom, that means not too much not too little. It is a term that resonates with my first declaration. Give what you can give to your family, friends, community, career and take only those resources that you need to live comfortably.

2)    Do no harm. Cause no damage.

We are here on earth to learn to love so doing no harm is in complete resonance with our ultimate purpose here on earth.

3)    Do not impose your will or judgment on others.

Expect nothing from the others and you will never be disappointed. You can only control your own thoughts, words, and actions.

4)    Exercise personal sovereignty and take responsibility for your actions.

Do not blame others for your predicament or play the victim. Our lives are the accumulation of small choices made daily, choose wisely.

5)    Use your imagination and follow your passions.

You are the screenwriter of your own masterpiece so create your wildest dreams based on people, places or things that you love.

6)    Know that your thoughts literally create your reality. Work on your inner world.

This is the secret to how our universe works. Nothing becomes something before it is a thought. Watch your thoughts, words, and actions as they reflect who you are.