My Reality Project Blog

This blog is a place to share my journey of empowerment with its challenges, frustrations, and joys. This is my ongoing project: ME realizing my divinity…from the non-physical to the physical and back again…

Adapt and Thrive

First written in May 13, 2020

Adaptations enable us to survive and right now we are in survival mode. We have been witnessing a new normal taking shape and it is unsettling. We no longer have the luxury of ignoring our connectivity, nor of denying our need for community.

Not everyone will navigate these uncharted waters in the same way. Some will allow fear to drive their actions. Some will make tremendous personal sacrifices to help others. Some will try desperately to return to business as usual. And some will take full advantage of the unique opportunities in this time to adapt and thrive.

The choice is yours. You get to decide how you are going to shape your new life, your new normal. Will you allow grace to guide you? Will you practice compassion for your fellow humans, especially those with whom you don’t agree? Will you listen to the inspiration that longs to be heard?

Adapting to change is difficult. It isn’t easy to break the patterns of the past. It requires lots of work. Be patient with yourself. Be patient with others. Practice kindness all the time with everyone; we are all in this together but we don’t all process experiences in the same way. Compassion is meant to remind us of this.

I’ve heard people refer to this pandemic as a global reset. I believe it is also a personal reset. We are in a very special moment right now. Will you adapt and thrive? Will you use your imagination to create the life of your dreams today? The present moment is a gift, a present to YOU from the universe. How will you use it?