Let it go and let it flow!
First written in Feb 17, 2019
Let go of expectations and trust life to unfold in miraculous ways!
Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
About ten years ago I started this blog as a way for me to express my beliefs and connect with like-minded people. I made two posts then the whole project was out of sight and out of mind as life carried on its busy course. I came across this blog today by complete accident and feel inspired to pick up the torch again and have a go at writing regularly, for my own personal gratification if nothing else. In the intervening years, I have continued my quest to learn, read, travel and teach and I have worked tirelessly to strive towards my highest potential as an infinite, creative spiritual being having a physical experience. I intend to document my thoughts and experiences along the way!
Cochiti Lake outside of Santa Fe, NM
Today I am reminded that when I get out of my own way and out of my own head and allow the universe to present to me my custom tailored experiences, I am always blown away! Case in point, Eric and I traveled to Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico in the fall of 2017 for a conference presented by Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton. The overall message that these scientists were conveying was that we create our experiences from our thoughts and emotions. It was an information-filled weekend in one of the most gorgeous places I’ve been and we had planned a whole week to explore the beautiful state after the conference ended. So we decided to just head north with no particular agenda and instead use our instincts and repeat the mantra “thank you for the best possible experiences!” and our vacation just ended up getting better and better. We met the coolest people, saw the most beautiful places, experienced the perfect weather, got the greatest deals on accommodations, you name it. It was so incredibly life-affirming. When you let go and truly trust in the flow you allow for the miracles of life to unfold before your eyes.
After eight years of teaching at the Cortiva Institute of Massage Therapy, I have begun teaching continuing education classes for licensed massage therapists in Florida. As I embark on this new endeavor I am reminded to approach this adventure just like I did our vacation. I have no particular agenda but to share what I’ve learned over the last sixteen years and have fun doing it. I ask the universe to send me the best possible experiences to that end, and I also ask that those therapists who can benefit from what I have to share find me and my classes.
Rio Grande, NM
If I had listened to the old programming in my head, I most likely would never have thought it possible to do this on my own. Over the years I have had to weed my mental garden of its useless thoughts and limiting messages. Meditation has helped tremendously in taming my monkey brain (future blog topic) and recently I’ve been most influenced by The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. That book practically jumped off the shelf at me at exactly the time I needed its message, which is to just let go and let it flow. Let go of your expectations and your preferences, which are completely ego-based, and allow consciousness to create with you your best possible life. It is a process and until we’re six feet under we have the opportunity to perfect and tweak this process for our highest learning and the best possible experiences!
So here’s the challenge: Do something spontaneous and fun and allow the experience to unfold without expectation or personal preference. Look for the miraculous and the magic that surrounds you every day!
Heather aka Indigo Girl